A Seat By the Fire.

This is something I’ve been wanting to do for an outdoor bench we have, but alas, I am no seamstress either. Great idea! Plus, the Velcro will allow for a seasonal change of cushions (always a plus).


Hello again! Another day, another project in the Lay home. The age-old problem of children bonking their faces on a brick fireplace hearth. I personally love our fireplace and now that it is fresh and white, I still want to show it off while being “baby-safe”. Seeing as I now have a crawling 6 month old, I thought I better fix the accident location. (My two year old already had a trip to the ER and a staple in her head from this deathly spot.) THere were a few options: Get some of that Pipe Foam and place it around the whole thing; but it is such an eyesore! Option 2: Find someone on etsy or online that makes these; but the cheapest I found was around $300! Option 3: Use outdoor furniture pads: there is no way you could find the right size. Option 4: Make our own. –…

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Hello World, I’m L.

So for the first original post, I want to explain my inspiration for beginning this blog.

While watching The Carrie Diaries, I noticed that while somewhat teenybopper, the show makes some really great points via the journal entries Carrie makes throughout each episode.  Being an aspiring English teacher, I always have wanted to create a habit of a regular writing or journal practice.  Keeps the brain active (and sane through school and work and home and on and on).  I was envious of Carrie’s ability to do this as a teen in The Carrie Diaries, but also as an adult in Sex and the City.  In one of my classes we were met by a speaker who told us how to create blogs.  She showed us her blog and I was just as envious of her dedication as well.


This blog was born! But I wondered, what do I have or do or say that other people will find interesting? Well, I know I spend much of my day reading people’s thoughts on DIY, education, life.  If I enjoy reading these things from others I hope that people would find interest in my own musings.  Anything that people find relevant becomes of interest.. It’s only natural.

So here we are in the blogospehre.  I’m already learning great things from the others of you out there and I hope that soon I can make some kind of contribution to this E world in return.



School Culture: It’s in your hands, kids.

I think it’s fantastic that this kind of school culture is possible. It’s encouraging!

Avoiding Neverland

“Quiet game, everybody!”  The speaker is one of the more vocal guys in the class, the one who usually riles up the others, but they have work to do today.  The quiet game was his favorite strategy to get himself to focus.  “Five minutes. One, two, three, go.”

And the room silenced.

The absolute silence only lasted for a few seconds, but the spirit of the game continued, with comments kept to quiet murmuring mostly on topic with their work.  They’re all seniors, this class full of students taking college writing.  They meet in my room, but I’m not teaching the class. My predecessor still teaches it, giving them their assignments online and occasionally coming in to meet with them in person.  On a regular day, third period is a glorified study hall for them (and me).  It’s a chance for them to meet together and focus on the work…

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